Men of Influence magazine

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‘Don’t take the bait’: Congresswomen respond to Trump tweets

Donald Trump’s suggestion that four Democratic congresswomen who criticised his administration’s handling of immigration “can leave” has led to accusations of racism and xenophobia against the US president. Now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib have responded, urging Americans “not to take the bait”..

The politicians known as The Squad – three of whom were born in the US – dismissed Mr Trump’s Twitter remarks as a “distraction” from the “callous chaos and corrupt culture of this administration”. Here is a profile of the congresswomen.

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has called the president’s words “destructive, demeaning, and disunifying”. But Mr Trump has defended what he wrote, denying accusations of racism.

UK railways ‘need Fat Controller’

The government should not be in day-to-day control of the UK’s railways, according to the man tasked with improving the system. But ex-BA boss Keith Williams offers an alternative roughly based on a character in the children’s TV series Thomas the Tank Engine. What is needed, he argues, is a figure similar to the Fat Controller, overseeing the running of services and accountable for any failings. Ministers should focus instead on managing budgets and large-scale policy, he suggests.

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Scotland’s drug deaths set to top 1,000

Figures out later are expected to show that more than 1,000 people died in Scotland last year as a result of drug use. The situation has been called an “emergency”, with Scotland estimated to have more than 60,000 problem drug-users.

An incredible mission to separate conjoined twins

There is a crowd in the operating theatre. But the team of nearly 20 works as one. Moving smoothly, every motion calculated. No signs of stress or tension, just hands methodically performing tasks.

But this is no routine operation. The shrouded shape of two small girls is picked out by the bright theatre lights. Safa and Marwa are joined at the head. Their brains are exposed as the surgeons work to separate a labyrinth of shared blood vessels.

The calm and peace of the theatre disappears, as anaesthetists raise the alarm.

What the papers say

A composite of Tuesday's Times and Metro front pages

England’s World Cup-winning cricketers continue to feature on the front pages, with Ben Stokes writing in the Daily Mirror of the “incredible feeling” among the squad. Bonhomie also abounds in the Sun, which reports that Tory leadership rivals Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt “repeatedly backed each other on key issues” during their final hustings. Meanwhile, the Daily Mail leads on a warning of a “toxic threat to babies in the womb” from chemicals found in people’s homes.

Daily digest

Facebook Scam advert-reporting service goes live

Armed forces At least 60 sexual offence claims “not properly recorded”

Tulip tower Mayor rejects plans for 1,000ft London skyscraper

If you watch one thing today

Pig head on a man's body

If you listen to one thing today


If you read one thing today

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09:30 The Office for National Statistics releases the latest UK unemployment figures

17:00 The European Parliament votes on Ursula von der Leyen’s nomination to head the EU Commission.

On this day

1970 The home secretary declares a state of emergency to deal with strikes at UK ports.

From elsewhere

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