Men of Influence magazine

John Devine/BBC Don Bradshaw with his barrow man creationJohn Devine/BBC

Don Bradshaw, 94, puts his long life down to pork fat and mushroom sauce

A 94-year-old man who is the oldest volunteer at a community hub has been praised for being a “treasure” who has “incredible energy”.

Don Bradshaw, from March, Cambridgeshire, is currently the head gardener at FACT, a charity organisation in the town.

He recently made a wheelbarrow man in the garden he tends at the hub in Martin Avenue in March and named him Humphrey.

But staff, volunteers and visitors soon noticed an uncanny resemblance to his creator and re-named the wheelbarrow man “Don”.

John Devine/BBC Mr Don Bradshaw, 94, with his "wheelbarrow man" creation in the gardens of FACT, a community hub in March, CambridgeshireJohn Devine/BBC

Mr Bradshaw celebrates his 94th birthday with his friend.

“I first made a wheelbarrow man in the 1970s, when I was farming. We had a big barn and I stood it outside as if he was a guardsman, I even made him a rifle out of a broom handle.

“A couple of months back I saw one of these things on social media and it reminded me of those magical days, so I decided, just for fun, to do it again. It took about 20 minutes to construct, using a wheelbarrow, my old clothes, glasses and hat,” he said.

In the week he celebrates his 94th birthday, he puts his long, healthy life down to two things.

“Pork fat and mushroom sauce that my mother used to make in our old tin bath,” he said.

John Devine/BBC Lisa Madden and Alice Moss, volunteers at FACT community hub in March with the "wheel barrow" man they've named "Don".John Devine/BBC

Lisa Madden, left, and Alice Moss, right are volunteers at FACT and say that Mr Bradshaw is a true legend but cheeky with it

Fellow volunteer Alice Moss, 59, has known Mr Bradshaw for two years.

“He is just such an amazing man,” she said. “I think the wheelbarrow statue is just wonderful, it brings a huge smile to all our faces, and I can’t believe he is 94.”

Lisa Madden, 55, said Mr Bradshaw was one of the most inspiring people she had ever met, and was the reason she carried on volunteering after going through a rough patch.

“He has a lovely, cheeky sense of humour, he is a treasure, he is always coming out with quirky jokes and old Fen sayings.

“The wheelbarrow man is definitely “Don”, I always think of him when I see it,” she added.

John Devine/BBC Ms Debs McClean thinks Mr Bradshaw is a true gentleman, but "you never know what he is going to come out with", she said.John Devine/BBC

Debs McClean, 55, says Mr Bradshaw comes out with hilarious tales and quips

Debs McClean, 55, one of the service users of FACT, said: “He puts a lot of younger people to shame, the energy and enthusiasm he has is incredible.

“We never know what he is going to come out with, I don’t think he knows. I’ve got some of his home grown tomatoes and runner beans to take home, he is a gentleman and a real star”.

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