Men of Influence magazine

Now Scotland-Williamson is trying to be an example to others, as Tomlin has been to him.

The NFL Academy was launched in London last September, giving 16-to-18-year-olds the chance to study for regular qualifications while also enjoying elite American football training and being mentored by NFL players such as Scotland-Williamson.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s tryouts are being done by video submissions.

“I’ve been able to run two races,” Scotland-Williamson said. “I was overlooked for [rugby] academies so got financial qualifications. I was still able to play professional rugby but at the same time got a Masters [in International Business].

“It’s often portrayed that if you want to be a professional athlete, you can’t focus on anything but sport, but I’m working towards changing that mindset, especially for young black kids who get thrown by the wayside.

“The odds of making it to the NFL are very slim, but there’s not just professional sport, making music or becoming a doctor or lawyer. There’s plenty of careers where you can make £100,000 [a year], that provide fulfilment and financial freedom. You just don’t hear about them if people in your circle or network don’t have those careers.

“Now that I speak to young men, I try to broaden their horizons about the possibilities beyond sport, and how to use their discipline towards sport as a springboard to something greater in their life.”

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